Thursday, February 6, 2020

Opening Up a Pandoras Box

Done.  The new FDP Premier of Thuringia has announced (in the last hour) that the state assembly will dissolve, and that will lead onto a new election.  I kinda went and predicted this would occur within days, and I was right.

Public perception now? 

"Jetzt kann man wählen und wählen, bis das Ergebnis paßt."

-- Comment anonymously made today in Germany

Translation:  Now you can vote and vote (over and over) until the result fits.

"Demokratie ist nur, wenn die gewünschten Wahlergebnisse eintreten, habe ich doch richtig verstanden oder?"

-- Comment anonymously made today in Germany

Translation: "Democracy is only when the desired election results occur, I understand correctly, right?"

It's a German blunt point of sarcastic say that voting doesn't really matter, unless you vote the way that the 'establishment' wants you vote.  Yes, the Pandoras Box has finally been opened and you've got people realizing the impact of the October election, and the push-back by both political parties and journalists.

I's a serious negative point of criticism, but it's a general feeling among those who see the German system of democracy flawed and lacking trust. 

So prepare for a minimum of one more state election there.....maybe even two....possibly even three.  I'm sure it'll reach some conclusion where the right people are happy, and less confrontational. 

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