Wednesday, February 5, 2020

This Talk of a 'Warm' Winter in Germany

Over the past month, there's been a fair amount of 'chatter' going on, with some Germans hyping the fact that it's been one of the more mild winters of the past forty-odd years. 

In my region (the Wiesbaden central area of Germany)....with the exception of a three-week period around late November to mid-December (we did have 5 cm of snow, which melted two days later)....I've put out salt on slick sidewalks maybe four times this entire winter.  That's about 10-percent of what I'd normally use for salt for an entire winter.

Global warming?'s the thing, and you can gaze at the weather displays almost nightly.....various storms came in off the southern coast of Spain, with warm air, and we got mostly rain, when it came....NOT snow or ice.  It's been that way since October.  The cold fronts from the NW or NE?  This year, they haven't occurred. 

The odds of snow before the end of March?  There's still a chance, but if you look at the two-week extended forecast for central Germany.....there's just light showers and decent warm weather.

Then you have this odd factor....I've got trees showing sprouts and all appearances are leaning toward a early spring.  Even birds are showing up now....rare, I admit.....heading north. 

So a warm winter worries Germans?  Yeah.

Forty years ago, no one would have said much, and folks would have appreciated the sunshine, and warm temps in February.   Today?  No, there is no appreciation.

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