Monday, February 17, 2020

Right-Wing Fanatics?

On Friday of last week, German police went out and conducted a number of search warrants on various houses in Germany (they say six states were listed).

What Focus reports today about the raids is that it was about an extreme right-wing group....who were planning these attacks on Muslim mosques in Germany.

Arrested?  Currently.....a dozen German men are being held.  Could it go higher?  I suspect yes.

The group is referred to as 'Group S'.  All are listed as Germans.  All had the basic goal of attacking the mosque operations, and possibly triggering a civil conflict.

Curiously, the head guy of the group had been put a watch-list several months ago, and police had been monitoring him.

Nazi-label?  I wouldn't go that far.  They appear (at least by Police statements) to be focused heavily on Muslim issues and triggering some type of serious action.

Charges?  Not a lot yet, but I would guess they might be spending a minimum of ten years in prison. 

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