Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Drug Story

There's a business story over at N-TV (commercial German news) today, which addresses something about the Coronavirus that Germans have heard rumors about.

The story?  This region around Wuhan....the entire 'state' of Hubei.....is known for this one curious relationship to Europe.  A lot of the drugs that Europeans use....off-the-shelf and behind-the-shelf.....are made in Hubei.  Production has not stopped but there's some worry now that a long-term halt could occur, and re-stocking would not occur as you'd expect.

Thyroid medication and pain-pills?  The active ingredient is only produced in that region.  Yep....out of the entire world.....this market situation has created a problem if this virus business would continue for months.

I strongly recommend the article.....presents an interesting angle on health safety in Germany and Europe. 

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