Tuesday, February 25, 2020

So Who Was the Second Person Arrested at the Volkmarsen Incident Yesterday?

With the crash into the parade participants in Volkmarsen yesterday.....two folks were arrested by the police.

The first guy is the driver of the Mercedes.....who was apparently lit up on alcohol, and test results are still being accomplished on the suggestion of drugs.  I have my doubts that this will be part of the end-story.

The second guy?  Well....this gets interesting.  He was just a bystander, taking video of the aftermath.  The police are using the 'gaffer' law, to arrest or detain anyone who take pictures in accident situations.  This guy....probably will get some minor jail-time, for taking pictures.

I know....pretty stupid, but this is Germany in 2020.  So my advice....if you are ever in some emergency situation in Germany, where people might be banged up or injured or dead....DO NOT take out your camera or cellphone to take pictures of the scene.  Walk away, as far away as possible, and don't look back to take any departing images.

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