Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Thuringia Update

Basically, what ARD (national news, public TV, Channel One) is reporting is that the Linke Party meeting with the right-of-center CDU Party.....ended with a big zero.  No agreement.

The Linke Party wanted a temp government solution....lasting 70 days, with a CDU temp Premier-President.....but to only have three ministers to run the government.

The CDU Party boss at the state level (Mike Mohring) said?  No, this wouldn't work....the election needs to occur.  End of the story.

For budget reasons, the Linke chief (Ramelow) needed something to occur. 

What's left?  The Linke folks could step to the side....allowing the number two winner of the election (the CDU Party) to step up....align with the SPD, Greens and FDP.....to marginally have enough seats to run a government, or just say enough....have an election as soon as possible.  The odds of a four-way government?  I'd say less than 50-percent chance. 

This has to upset virtually everyone on the Linke voting group. 

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