Thursday, February 6, 2020

Two Exit Paths in Thuringia Chaos

After a full day of chatter from the German state of Thuringia and all the political chaos going on since yesterday afternoon.....the experts say there are only two paths left:

1.  You dissolve the assembly and agree to an election in roughly sixty days.  No one can say what the expectations are, and it might even go to a more messy state of affairs.

2.  You have another assembly vote for Premier leadership, and a couple from the AfD, the FDP, or CDU parties simply votes to abstain.  From the ninety seats in the whole state assembly....the Linke Party/SPD/Green Party group can only mount 42 votes.  If a couple abstains.....then the Linke group would get their guy into the Premier slot, and things would proceed on....without another election.

The odds of this occurring?  I think the Berlin crowd have sent orders to both the FDP and CDU groups.....someone from each group, or the entire two groups....are to vote and agree on the Premier of the Linke Party to resolve this.

If this go this route, it will literally destroy trust in the system, and trigger a fair number of people....even those outside of the distrust the current democracy system in Germany.

My humble prediction?  I think at least three members of the CDU will vote for the Linke Party guy, and fall upon their sword to just pretend all is normal after this mess.

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