Thursday, February 20, 2020

Description of This German Mass Shooter

Focus, this morning, put a fairly decent description of this German guy who shot up Hanau last night (killing 9, plus his mother). I'll recommend the article.

A basic description? 

Forty-three years old.  Did bank and business training in his youth.  Certainly not a loser or welfare case. 

The neighbor describes the guy as 'regular', without any faults.

The guy was into conspiracy theory discussions, and showed indications (what I describe) as paranoia-type (thinking he was being watched).

The guy was fairly negative about Middle Eastern folks (to include Turks).

There's not much doubt that he views Germans as a generally superior 'race'.

At some point in his 'rants' on social media and YouTube.....he even suggests that Trump stole his ideas.

Focus has a complete description and worth the read.

My view.....the guy was on the verge of significant paranoid schizophrenia.  I doubt if he was on any treatment or pill regiment.

If you looked across any country (doesn't matter if it's the US or Germany)....there's probably seven people out of a thousand....who ought to be under custodial care or heavily watched.  This was one of those characters. 

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