Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Toy Gun Story

Germans are hyped up these days about private citizens and any suggestion of an illegal firearm in their possession.

So yesterday (Tuesday), over in my local town (Wiesbaden)....some gal called the local police. 

She was all disturbed over seeing a gun 'hanging' on the wall of an apartment in town.  The impression I that she kinda viewed it from a distance, from another apartment. 

She was hyped up.  She called the police.  The police?  They got all hyped up.  A search warrant was issued and signed by the local judge. 

A police team was dispatched over to the apartment building, and knocked on the door.....with the warrant produced for the occupant.

The gun on the wall?  A toy gun. 

No one says much how the cops reacted, and I'm guessing they were laughing all way to the squad car, and back at the station....they retold this impressive story of a weapons search. 

So this is the thing.....the news media has hyped up weapons so much now....that any report of an illegal weapon.....gets an immediate reaction by the police. 

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