Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thuringia 'Solution' Chatter

If you look over various German news sources, there is some discussion within the CDU (both at the Thuriginian state level, and with the national chair-woman (AKK).  The hype goes along this line.....Berlin leadership within the Bundestag need to invent a way out of the current mess, with some type of Constitutional rule change on how coalition governments will function, and who can be the Premier-President.

Basically, you'd have to write some Constitutional law that says the lead-party in an election situation will automatically get the Premier-President position, without having to take a vote, and thus run a minority government. 

If the Bundestag were to go this much frustration would the rule change cause?  I would take a guess that it'd be a ricochet situation that would be talked about for years, in a corrupt and negative manner.

What is apparent that the state CDU organization within Thuringia.....doesn't want another election.  No one says the votes lost, but I would tend to suggest that a quarter of the CDU voters (from the Oct 2019 election) would either stay home, or vote AfD. 

The way out of this?  They kinda need to say something or do something by the middle of next week.  Just stalling won't work. 

Whatever crisis was contained within Thuringia.....has enveloped into Berlin, and you really don't need that type of mess existing there and triggering chaos.

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