Monday, February 24, 2020

Volkmarsen Accident

About 120 km NE of Frankfurt is the small town of Volkmarsen.  They had a parade today (yes, as bad as the weather was)......and in the midst of this.....some guy ran his car into a crowd.  No one dead but around 30 of them hurt bad.

Driver?  Well....29-year-old German guy, who had a slight police record.....mostly over disorderly behavior, and insults (toward the police apparently).  No, he was not some terrorist or nutcase.  Based on crowd commentary.....the guy was fairly loaded on booze.

Charges?  He could be looking at a minimum of 30 charges, and a minimum of 20 years in prison.

UPDATE: 25 Feb 2020: regional news says alcohol test on the driver came back booze in his system.

UPDATE: 25 Feb 2020: Focus says this afternoon that this driver was noted in the drug scene of Volkmarsen, for at least the past 18 months.  That kinda suggests that this drug test might come back with positive results.

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