Wednesday, March 24, 2021

5G Story

 In my local town (Wiesbaden)....cops got called Sunday afternoon. 

Curious fire was a cellphone tower over here on the edge of the city (Bierstadt).....sent a malfunction signal in the late afternoon, and the technician arrived to find 'fire damage'.

After a few minutes....the technician calls the police.

So what the police say....someone intentionally set the 'box' on the tower on fire.  Arson, plain and simple.

The deal?  '5G-oppoinents' at the description that the police use.

Is this an issue in Germany?  Well...yes.  There are various environmentalists who've given a fairly negative 'rating' on 5G, and they don't want the upgrade.

More potential attacks?  It wouldn't surprise me if you start seeing an attack or two each week in the state, with the opponents sending a 'message'. 

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