Tuesday, March 30, 2021


 I had to go look up the term because it's not one that I'd ever seen much before.

Chancellor Merkel used the phrase in her explanation of how things need to be resolved with Covid-19.

The meaning?  It's possible to think and act in ways....that lead to a perfect ending or solution.  Some people will tell you that it's absolutely OK to think in moderate terms of perfectionism....but someone who is consumed by it....generally is going to reach a state of marginal success, and be very 'hurt' by the end-point.

Some people will also suggest that it's a mental illness, if it consumes every minute of your day.

High achievers are perfectionists.  Most have a safety mechanism to grasp when failure has occurred, and how to reason the failure as a 'lesson-learned'.

So the question is this....is there an overwhelming crowd in German politics and journalism....that have attached themselves to perfectionism?  Well....I might suggest that some exist in this category, and it's more humorous on TV to watch their reasoning/frustrations on display.  I'd hate to call it entertainment, but it's probably reached that level. 

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