Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Just Observations:

 1.  With the hype starting up this week....'free' Covid-19 'quickie' tests are offered via pharmacies around Germany.  Lines were formed up if you went looking.  

So it's just an odd thing....there in March, April, May of 2020....the virus experts and government noted in a united message, you DON'T need a Covid-19 test unless you show symptoms.  If you called your doctor up and wanted the test....he'd ask you around five to seven questions, and if all resulted in 'no'....they told you the test was worthless.  

It's just hard to see the value now of this 'quickie' test and the amount of effort that the pharmacy folks have to put into this.  I assume the government is paying them for the test, the protective gear, and the man-hours involved.  

2.  New scam noted in Germany.  You have a fake bank employee calling up to suggest that your account has been hacked, and they give you a special number to call.  The second number wants your account number and pin of course.  

3.  Local doctors/clinics will have some version of the Covid-19 vaccine by the end of April, and you can bypass the 'centers'.  What is generally anticipated at that point....some maximum booster in numbers will occur.  

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