Saturday, March 27, 2021

Cabins Story

 For those who were stationed in West Germany in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s....traveling by train (Bahn) meant that you sat in compartments (six seats in a cabin).  Around 2000, as the new trains arrived....they were basically one entirely open car....enough room for 120-odd people.

The Bahn folks felt this was a huge step forward and meant more people on the train....thus being economically sound-planning.

Well....a lot of people remember the private cabin business.  You'd have two or three associates with you and the cabin seemed to offer something 'special'.

The next generation of cars? won't start till after 2023.  But today....the railway folks said that cabins will make a comeback.

What's probably in this deal? humble guess is that they will offer the cabins for a extra price....say a normal seat for X, and the cabin seat for X-plus-.25-percent.  You'd probably have to have reservations and there's probably only two of these cabins for each single car....with the rest of the seats in the open.

Historically best travels were in 1978/1979 and in the mid-80s....with the older railway system (no AC, with windows that opened).  These were the cars that had the beer/drink guy coming around and selling you beverages as you traveled.  

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