Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Astrazenica 'Problem"?

 So, yesterday....the Covid vaccine Astrazenica was halted.

Reason?  In Germany, there are seven cases of Astrazenic usage, out of 1.6-million vaccinations....where thrombosis was reported.  Info provided by RBB (public TV in Berlin).  Connection between the vaccine and the thrombosis?  That's the catch....it may take months before doctors can connect the issue, and say that the seven had particular problems existing prior to the vaccination.

Symptoms?  Five-star headaches and skin bleeding.

Public TV (ARD and ZDF) have gone to the ninth-degree on reporting this, and it's just short of a scandal.  The comical side of this?  Two months ago, this was all hyped up that Germany wasn't getting it's fair share of Astrazenica, and the EU had screwed up on ordering.  

Consequences?  Well, if  you watched TV last night....you got the impression that vaccinations in general....virtually all of the vaccines available....potentially could have side-effects.  I would suggest that probably twenty-million Germans got up this morning, and are firmly convinced NOT to take any vaccine (doesn't matter what brand you are talking about).  Public TV created a huge negative wave and they really didn't grasp the implications.

So, here's this odd factor that you might be curious about.  Before all this Covid and Astrazenica stuff came up.....roughly two to five percent of society (over their lifetime) had some form of thrombosis.  

What'll happen now?  I would suggest a minimum of sixty days of research and they eventually admit one or two lifestyle issues figure into the thrombosis business.  

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