Saturday, March 20, 2021

Public TV Chatter

 This week, it was kinda laid out that public TV in Germany (ARD/ZDF) are getting Instagram accounts.  Not just a couple, but a fair number.  

What's coming?'s the chief problem...for months, it's been noted that young people (from ages 15 to 25) simply don't follow the traditional public TV viewer path. You can even make a case that the group of 25 to 35 year old Germans are not that connected to public TV.

The idea here is that if they go 'hipster'....getting up an audience via Instagram (the influence crowd hangs out there)...they'd get the younger viewers.

A laughable situation?  I tend to suggest that.

The general behavior that the ARD/ZDF crowd intellectual-types, and frankly....that doesn't sell well to the influence crowd of Instagram.

This being a stupid idea?  On a scale of one to ten....I'd give it a '7' toward stupid moves.  

But here's the thing....the public TV folks are reaching a point of desperation....they need some angle to get young viewers back to their 'gimmick'.  Presently, it's just not selling.  So, Instagram makes sense in this type of screwed-up world.   

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