Monday, March 8, 2021

More on that 2016 Christmas Market Attack

 I've essayed a good bit over the Christmas market attack in Berlin, in December 2016.  There's probably a dozen essays that I've talked about the attack, the radical Islamic guy who conducted it, his death in Italy, and the German truth commission which had this situation for well over three years.

So this weekend, I noticed via N-TV....yet another element which delays an end to the story.

The DNA experts wrapped up their analysis of the gun used on the Polish truck driver there in Berlin, and what they felt was Amri's gun that was in the middle of this episode.

The experts can't say with any real conviction this recovered pistol...which they know belongs to the one used in the truck driver's attack.  There might be a second gun involved.  If there was a second gun....where is it, and did Amri carry two on himself?

DNA within the cab of the truck?  Well....that problem came up and it appears that Amri is sitting in the passenger seat.....not the driver's seat, as it raced into the Christmas market and killed locals.

The authorities also admitted this issue....Amri had sat in a tractor trailer rig....ONCE in his entire life (as a passenger).  He'd never operated a rig....ever.

Could a guy with zero experience just step into a rig and drive it?  I sat over this idea.  Growing up on a farm, I had a chance to operate a lot of vehicles, and even could throw me into any type, and I'd probably be able to at least get it up, and running.  

The DNA issue?  Well....yeah, you can't really figure an answer to that problem.

The truth commission continues on?  I'm guessing they have at least another full year, and probably more suggestions to arrive at that point toward two people in the cab.  Who this second guy might be?  Unknown.  With Amri doesn't seem like this story will be going anywhere much.

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