Wednesday, March 24, 2021

One Boss Discussion

 A fair amount of chatter started up yesterday afternoon (Tuesday) over the amount of discussion and argument by Chancellor Merkel, her cabinet (composed of both CDU-CSU and SPD Party members), and the Premier-Presidents of the sixteen German states.

This meeting to determine the ban-rules and how far things were going....turned into a root-canal type meeting....eleven-plus hours...with serious disagreements.  

Some political folks (especially in Berlin) and journalists are suggesting that this state-power thing has to come to an end.  Full control over the Covid-19 ban-rules should then be a federal thing 'only'.  

Odds of the sixteen states agreeing to this empowerment?  Zero.  

Depending on where you are in the sixteen states....there's a different script for ban rules.  So if you lived on the border line of three different German states and shopped weekly across the 'borders' need to pay attention to the local conditions/rules. 

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