Saturday, March 20, 2021

General Clinic Doctors and the Vaccination Business

 If you read through regional news throughout Germany, there is anticipation that shortly after Easter.....regular doctors will be allocated x-amount of the Covid-19 vaccine to dish out.  

However, if you read the finer'll amount to 20 doses per week, in the first month....then go to 60 doses in the next period after that.

I sat and pondered over this.  My local German doctor probably has over 4,000 patients under his belt (he has a entry-point, and will accept no one more).  So this 20 doses per week....really won't amount to much.

Even at 60 doses a week?  No....same end-result.

My humble guess is that he'll make a standard Thursday 'event'....say between 7:30 and 9:30....twenty patients who meet the age/health requirements...will get an invite to come over.  

Not amounting to much?  Well....even at 60 doses, it doesn't really speed up things.

This is where you really need a German Army group to bring a dozen folks into a village for two entire days, and just get everyone in that village.  

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