Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Covid-19 Test Kit?

 My wife works for a fairly successful but small German company, and the boss got a big box today....of Covid-19 test kits.  He's handing one kit out each week, to each employee....free deal.  

So she and the other lady in the office looked at the instructions with the kit, and both gave up....admitting it's too complicated.

She came home and handed me the kit (I'm home IT-support).  There are two sheets of paper....one in English and one in German.  I figured fine....this should be no more than five or six steps.  In terms of fine-print....it's WAY more than usual.  

What you have is a 15-minute reading session....probably written by a PhD-level individual that tells you nearly 300 things (like you should use in a bitter cold area, or an extra hot area, or that when you dispose of it the kit....it has to go in the bio-garbage).  

Complicated instructions?  I came to the end and basically admitted that this piece of paper wouldn't work.

I looked at the side of the box....'made in China' (my criticism for products now often made in China).  

So I looked up the box name on YouTube and here was a video made by some 12-year old German kid, with English sub-titles.  He basically broke it down to three steps.  Smart kid.....you might need more of him instead of the PhD-level guy.  

Tomorrow night....I'll open the kit and test the wife....to assure her and the boss that she's 'negative'.  If it says positive?  I'm pretty sure she will freak out, and be dialing six different medical services.

This becoming a weekly thing?   Well....the boss kinda hinted that employees need to test themselves at least once a week, and he's the one spending the five-Euro per employee for the kit. 

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