Saturday, February 12, 2022

Gas/Diesel Car End?

 Most Germans don't grasp this....but there is an intense discussion going on in the coalition government between the FDP and Green Party.  N-TV picked up the topic yesterday and laid out for the public.

The Greens want an absolute 'drop-dead' date for any gas/diesel car to be owned/operated in Germany.  Yes, that come as a shock to most Germans.

The first desire here?  There is a EU standard (handed down of course) where by January 2030, there should be a decrease of 55-percent of gas/diesel cars that were admitted in 2021.  The Greens have looked at this, and say 55-percent is NOT enough....they want a 75-percent 'cut'.

A normal guy would look at this and then ask....what exactly do you mean by mandated cut?  Well....they'd tax the heck out of you...if you still owned a gas/diesel reach this objective.

The FDP take?  No......they have zero interest in this discussion.  Whatever the EU mandated...for the FDP enough.

The FDP even added another long as you were using the E-fuels, they want the ability to register/operate a gas/diesel vehicle until 2035 (something that the Greens really don't want).

Adding to this discussion....the FDP wants wording that allows 'hybrid' vehicles (the type that have a gas engine but also batteries that charge up and provide some of the power) to be counted into this whole scheme.  The Greens aren't agreeable to that.

Odds of either group 'winning' on their arguments?  Frankly, I'd say for the remaining 3.5 years of this coalition....nothing much will occur.

E-car acceptance?  If you go around working-class people....they will at least listen to the debate but it generally comes back to a long discussion on cost of E-cars, the grid having the power to charge up vehicles nightly, and the increasing cost of electricity to the German consumer.

There's a lot of hybrid technology advancing, and I could see where some micro-engine development occurs.  

Acceptance in seven years of some yearly 1,000 Euro tax to keep your gas car on the road?  No....there's an enormous amount of stress on Germans presently with inflation and energy costs.  Neither appear to be slowing down for 2022 (probably 2023 as well).  This Green strategy is probably going to pushed back eventually.  

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