Wednesday, February 16, 2022

One Of My Little History Lessons: Russia (Before It Fell Apart)

 Czar Nicholas II ended up with his title/position in 1894, and would be the last Czar over Russia (ending in 1917).

For the record (I'm saving you 300 man-hours of reading)....a lot of development and industrialization was going on in the US and throughout Europe.  Trade, commerce, business, and marketing was expanding out in most of the world....just NOT in Russia.  

Nicholas II pushed through several reforms.  By the 1890s....there was now a new thing existing in Russia called the 'urban middle/working class'.  This in turn, was leading to a new progressive political landscape.

Between working conditions, taxation on the rise, unequal gains for the bottom of the working class....this was all charging up political chaos, which Nicholas II could not handle or grasp the significance.

So political parties came out of nowhere, and promised a lot of things which couldn't be guaranteed.  The new society that was developing....couldn't grasp the fake political stance, or the confusion going on.  

World War I came along to accelerate the charged-up politics and discontent.  Nicholas II?  He was in the middle of a mess with no roadmap, and this idiot Grigori Rasputin as some personal (spiritual) adviser.  

1917 closes out with Nicholas II 'fired', Russia military losses against Germany being of a massive nature, and liberal elements in the public and Army leading sentiment toward a Communist political 'answer'.

Fixing the unequal mess in industry?  What you can say from 1920 that everyone was mostly screwed, and a handful of the political leadership treated as 'saviors' of society.

If you looked at things since the Wall came down?  There's a lot of charged-up Russians....reaching middle-class level, and having the benefits of commerce finally reaching them.  Russians go on vacations to Greece....they own homes....they dress in better styles than ever before, and life seems to be at a happier state than at any time in the past hundred years.

All because of middle-class status?  More or less.  You could mention oil and natural gas being part of the gimmick, but they had to sell something of great get the status required.  

Putin at the center of this whole era (1990 on)?  Well....that's the long discussion item.  They avoided serious chaos, incompetence, and big economic downturns.  You have to give some credit to Putin.  

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