Saturday, February 26, 2022

Nazi Stuff

 I sat last night and watched a Putin 'chat' where he assessed the events of the day, and proudly announced that denazification had been successful in the Russian attack on the Ukraine.

To rationally get this thought in your have to assume that Nazis were all over the place in the Ukraine....not just for the past year or two....but maybe for decades.

At that state of mind, with your head 'loose' (fumes coming off a whiskey sour or two)'d then come to this rational thought....being next to Russia....that this Nazification had likely crossed over and already infected Russia as well.  So, logic would dictate....Putin needs to also invade halt the Nazis.

With another drink or'd then assume that Nazification had also spread to Poland, Mongolia, China and even it'd make sense for Putin to invade other rid the world of Nazis.

Adding a drink or two on top of'd ask why the Nobel Peace Prize folks can't give him a prize for ridding the world of the evil Nazis?  

With all this Nazi chatter, it just makes me wonder....did the war end in 1945, or are we on some level-nine Nazi war agenda?

Crap, Russian TV must broadcast Nazi-fear-porn around the clock like they do in make this such a big issue.  

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