Monday, February 28, 2022

True or False?

 N-TV brought this up in the last hour....which may or may not be true.

A Russian state news agency (Ria Novosit) had a pre-written 'victory' commentary written and it was dated to be released this past Saturday morning. 

The article/commentary came up today....some believe by accident.

The guy who wrote it?  Pyotr Akopov.

It leads off "A new world is being born before our eyes. Russia's military operation in Ukraine has ushered in a new era. Russia is restoring its unity - the tragedy of 1991, this terrible catastrophe of our history, its unnatural distortion is over."

It was up for a short period of time....some folks downloaded it, and it's being passed around.

Screw-up?  I'm likely to believe they got hacked, and this commentary was written by some pro-Ukraine guy and done to embarrass the Ria Novosti folks. 

If it were a true document, then the idiots in Moscow had a schedule planned out and anticipated the bulk of the mission was supposed to be done by Saturday morning.

Fake?  I can't believe that they had this on a unsecure server.  

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