Thursday, February 17, 2022

Inflation Chatter

 Sarah Wagenknecht (Linke Party member) wrote up a column for Focus today....chatting over energy prices/policies.  I would recommend a read of the piece....kinda interesting.

Straight quote: "Anyone who does without cheap Russian deliveries and prefers expensive, dirty liquid gas from the USA, who pumps gas to Poland despite empty storage tanks , and who also drives up energy costs through horrendous government surcharges, endangers our industry and the standard of living of millions."

Wagenknecht points out at one point....a variety of taxes, fees and 'duties'.  All of this has simply added more burden to the average German.

She does point out....'greenflation' has finally arrived.  A lot of the inflation issues that Germans now whine about....are due to environmental ideas that were thrown into the system....not just five or ten years ago....but even going back two whole decades.

Pushing the Nord Stream II pipe?  Well....yeah, she comes off saying that it probably has to turn on, if you want to control energy prices. Naturally, the Russians would be happy about that.

The ending of the commentary?  Prices are set, and will continue to escalate, unless something changes.

Wagenknecht is not an idiot, and at least understands the various issues which have driven coal-power/nuke-power to be dissolving.  She also understands that the wind-power business has its limits and good intentions by environmentalists probably isn't going to help.

 If you dragged ten electrical engineers/economists into a room and described all of the actions since 2000.....they'd all agree that it's a path to higher costs....way beyond reasonable expectations.  Fixing this in 2022?  Nearly impossible, and the pro-environmentalists are not much on help (ask them how to deliver cheap power, and response will be that clean power is the higher priority).  

I'll just predict that for the next four years (for the SPD-Green-FDP coalition) will be a rough time to talk over inflation and energy.  

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