Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Secret Police Story

Several German news sources commented today on this odd political situation.

Some folks woke up and looked at a particular AfD candidate over on the eastern side of Germany....a guy by the name of Frank-Ronald Bischoff.

Frank is 69 years old and it looks like pretty good odds that he'll be one of the AfD folks elected into the Bundestag.

But Frank has this history....yeah, he was a former DDR (old Easterm Germany) Stassi (secret police) officer.  He doesn't deny any of his past prior to the Wall coming down.

For some Germans, this bothers them....knowing that a former Stassi officer has risen to the point of making it into the Bundestag.

I sat and pondered over this.  To be honest, no one can cite how many ex-Stassi officers exist.  There might be 15,000 of such individuals sitting around.  There might even be 100,000 of such individuals that exist.  Some might be into real jobs today....some might be already members of the Bundestag and haven't admitted their past.  The thing is....you just don't know.  In Frank's case, once quizzed.....he admitted it up front.  He didn't lie over this detail.

Most Germans have the impression that politics after 1945 was pure and clean....with no Nazis or ex-Nazis.  True?  Well....probably not.  The big well known members of the Hitler team probably were prevented from government work.  But there are tens of thousands of guys who had membership and various jobs prior to 1945 due to their Nazi enthusiasm, and they just walked in and became part of the new German government after 1945.  Life went on.

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