Friday, February 2, 2018

A New German Foreign Minister

Various German news sources have commented today that the SPD Party chief (Martin Schulz) has put himself in for the new coalition job of Foreign Minister (rather than Vice-Chancellor).  Oddly, the present SPD member....Gabriel....who heads the position, would prefer to stay. 

This brings to surface the whole 'switch-out' back in December of 2016....where they brought Schulz from the EU position back into the SPD Party and made him party chief (replacing Gabriel) and forcing Gabriel to step down as Vice-Chancellor, and sliding him over to Foreign Minister.

There is not much love between the two, and some folks within the Party think that the SPD would have done better with Gabriel as their primary leader.

What obviously happens?  If the coalition deal is voted upon and approved, I'd expect Schulz to turn into the next Foreign Minister, and about half of the Party supporters to be aggravated with him. The Party has some problems and the two state elections this year (Hessen and Bavaria) might turn into weak performances for the party. 

Gabriel?  Well....I think he'll slide into this a plain membership deal and get less attention for a while.

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