Saturday, February 10, 2018

News That Disappears Quicky a matter of twelve hours, one of the biggest political stories in a decade in Germany....has moved from page one to page two.

If you go and browse the ARD (public tv in Germany) and their news page...they've moved Trump-negative news, Olympic news, a short piece over an Israel plane being shot at by Syrian fighter, and Calais-refugee story up over the SPD and Schulz story. 

In some ways, the arrival of the Winter Olympics probably helps the ARD news folks manage the negativity of the SPD story to some degree.

German newspapers will still carry it for this weekend, and then it'll be mostly all dumped by Monday.

The need to minimize the story?  Well....yeah.  It's not just the SPD wanting lesser coverage, but the Merkel-led CDU as well.  If the public felt fairly negative then the odds of this party-membership vote going positive would reverse and you'd see a failure of the coalition.   In some ways, the nation needs the story to evaporate quickly and be forgotten.  Over the next week, I'd have serious doubts that Schulz appears in public....he'll probably take a week off and chill-out. 

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