Monday, February 12, 2018

Poll Conducted

Focus put a piece today...short in length, but talking about a recent poll that BILD did via INSA.

If an election were held today, the parties would be getting these numbers:

CDU (Merkel's party): 29.5 percent (a fairly big drop)
SPD: 16.5 percent (dropping four points over the past month)
Greens: 13 percent
FDP: 10.5 percent
Linke Party: 11.5 percent
AfD: 15 percent

What this basically says?  Both the CDU and SPD are losing public appeal.  The Greens and AfD benefit from these losses.

If Merkel were forced to call for a new election?  Well, it's really not a time to go and do something that stupid.

If the trend were to hold for the next year?  I would suggest that the SPD would bottom out at 14 percent, and that both the Greens and AfD would pass them, with both reaching 16-to-17 percent.  All of this simply lays out the lousy political landscape in Germany at present, for the two significant parties.

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