Sunday, February 18, 2018

Losing a License

Focus (the German news magazine) brought up this topic to lose your drivers license.

Back in 1978, I had a seminar upon arriving in Germany, and got roughly four hours of introduction to various issues.  Roughly two minutes were spent on this....letting us know that Germans were fully willing and capable of suspending your license.  This was not to be taken lightly.

To be honest over the years....I only know of three Americans I worked with....who lost their license for a while.  Two were points accumulating up (mostly speeding), and the third was for alcohol issues.

Getting a one-month driving ban is becoming more popular now.  Some will argue that losing it for three months is also moving up.

Driving 30 kph over the limit in urban areas?  That's a one month loss. Driving 70 kph over?  That's three months for the loss.

Driving too close to the guy in front of you?  That could be a one-month loss.

Red light violations?  That could be a one-month loss.

Having an accident and being at fault, with people injured?  That could be a minimum of one month.

Calling someone, or texting?  That could be a one-month loss.

They don't kid around about this business and judges aren't likely to be sympathetic.

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