Thursday, February 1, 2018

German Basic Law

At some point yesterday, the political folks at the CDU/CSU and SPD Parties came to agree on a new package for education....involving tons of money (over a billion Euro), but it required a change to the German Constitution (the Basic Law).

It's a curious thing when you bring up the Basic Law and the continual need to adjust it.  At least once a year, and sometimes more....the Germans come to agree to modify their Constitution.  When they came to agree in 1949 on this newer was not designed to be a sacred document, but more so.....a living document.

If you pull out the English version of it, it tends to be more of a code, with details on how things should function.

A lot of this mentality over the living document situation goes to the heart of Germans thinking along the lines of 'fixing a problem'.  If something won't fit or function has to be corrected.  This fear or anxiety that you see in the US.....doesn't occur within the German system.

Between 1949 and 2009....there had been roughly fifty-five changes to the Basic Law. 

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