Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Moroccan Story

My regional public news network here in Germany is HR, and they briefly laid out an epic story, which ought to woven into some TV script. 

So, this story revolves around this Moroccan guy, who will call "X".  Over the past eleven years....X has gotten himself into a fair amount of trouble in Frankfurt, and been deported eleven times.  Yes, deported eleven times.

He's been picked up again now.

The curious piece to this story is that he always comes back to Frankfurt.  You would think of dozens of cities in Germany which are kinda enticing....that maybe after each deportation, you 'd go and check out the scenery of another city.

The judge quizzed him about this situation.  X has a 12-year-old son by a German. 

Somewhere along the end of 2017, X got picked up by the city cops on a drug trafficking offense.  They ended up doing a test or two, and it showed he had weed and cocaine in his blood.  A background check showed that he had no ID.  In the middle of this check by the cops....he tried to hustle out....resisting arrest (a big deal in Germany), insulted the cops (another big deal) and ended up injuring some cop (another big deal). 

The judge ended giving X eleven months in prison (probably a fair deal considering the resisting arrest and the injury on the cop.  But X was too much.  The judge dug into why X kept coming back to which the answer was....the son.

Back in the late 1990s....X had a residence permit for was great.  He came to Germany.  He worked as a car mechanic and salesman.  He met up with some German gal while in Frankfurt....eventually marrying her.  Love occurred....a dissolved....a divorce.  Somewhere in the middle of this....X got into drugs heavily, leading onto cocaine and crack. Toss in alcohol, and he was simply 'messed-up'. He got arrested in 2007 and that led onto the eleven times deported.....each time returning.

He won't really admit this part of the story, but Frankfurt has an active drug scene, and it's fairly easy for a guy to come in....get set-up for selling drugs, and make a good income.

The judge now?  He got sympathetic and cut one month off the 11-month sentence. X now?  He has ten months to get cleaned up in the German prison system, and then get deported again. 

The odds he'll come back to Germany by early 2019?  I'd say it's a 99-percent chance. Back to Frankfurt?  Another 99-percent chance.  Deported again?  Another 99-percent chance. 

The guy got into a bad emotional period with the entry into hardcore drugs and just never got out of the spiral.  My guess is that he'll eventually be deported a 12th time, a 13th time, and so on. 

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