Sunday, July 29, 2018

A Soccer Story

It's not front-page news, and I doubt if more than one-percent of Germans have heard of the story.  Blick (the Swiss news source) reports the basis of the story.

So a couple of years ago.....down in Zwickau (about half-way between Frankfurt and Dresden....over into the eastern chunk of Germany)....they started up a annual soccer tournament made up of migrant teams.  This year would have been year seven of the idea.

This past week, the game came up between a mostly all Middle-Eastern group of guys, against a team of mostly all African guys.  As the kick-off started.....a massive brawl started up.

The spectators were a bit shocked, and kinda left quickly from the field area.  Serious injuries?  None.  Discussions with the players involved over tolerance?  Well....yes.

How the fight started?  Unknown, and completely left out of the story.  Maybe some comments by one group against another, or maybe just some pushing or body-contact occurred.  This could have simply occurred because one single guy insulted another single guy.

According to the news folks, there's going to be some counseling going on.

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