Friday, July 27, 2018

Curious Migration Story

It was a short 10-line piece via Focus (the German news magazine) today that I noticed this odd stance taken by the leadership of Koln, Dusseldorf and Bonn (all in NW Germany).

The leadership (CDU and SPD) sent a letter to Chancellor Merkel and 'signaling' tat they are for more refugee pick-ups in the Med and to offer their cities as a reception center.

The wording was a bit odd....they said that they would serve as the temporary center for these refugees being picked up....until the permanent EU solution was resolved.  This kinda meant that they felt that EU nations would be forced into taking the migrants, and that the folks that they temporarily brought in....would be resettled later, and that these people would readily pack up and 'go' elsewhere.

It is a bit amusing in some ways.

First, they assume that the EU will resolve the situation and come up with a permanent assignment program.  Nothing really suggests that this will occur.

Second, they also assume that a year later.....if there was some solution....these people sitting in Koln, or Bonn....would just accept a movement order and go to Poland.  I can pretty much assure them that no one will pack up and move like that. 

Third, they are merely making their region into a magnet for the AfD Party, and attracting enough negativity to help propel the AfD another couple of points higher.  It's like they want the AfD to climb up to 25-to-35 percent in the voting trend.

Fourth, cost?  They are assuming that Berlin will just shell out the cash to make this idea to work. 

Merkel going along with this?  No.  I think she's come to realize that no one in the EU really has a plan that will be accepted, and every step you make in this direction.....draws more attention to the AfD anti-migration message. 

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