Sunday, July 29, 2018

Potatoes Problem

It's a page-two story that most Germans will miss, but N-TV (commercial German news network) carried it today.

Most of you who've spent some time in Germany via the military....know that the main staple of German diet, after pork.....are French fries (pommes). 

Because of the ongoing drought here in Germany, there's now a worry by the potato processing industry.  They suggest that only 40-percent of the normal potatoes produced will be delivered.  The word 'dramatic'?  It comes up now in conversation.

There are three major regions of Germany which produces the normal crop.....Bavaria, Lower Saxony, and North Rhineland Westphalia.

Imports likely?  I would go and suggest that the major suppliers are now going out into the rest of the EU and looking for other producers.

A major problem?  Probably not.....but I would expect just everything related to potatoes to go up 10-to-20 percent minimum over the next year. 

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