Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Key to the Merkel Compromise

This whole massive episode of chaos and the government falling....hinges now on the Merkel compromise.  And this is the simple problem.

Chancellor Merkel will agree to allow 'transit centers' to be created (mostly journalists say only two).  No one says where, or how they will operate.  But then she goes and says if you are a failed visa-guy/ should only go to the transit-center for a max of two days, and then....raus, you go (meaning you are on some plane).

She wants this written down, and in some form of a law, and I just don't see people getting agreeable in the Bundestag to write the number of 48-hours down into law.  Maybe Germans are that stupid, but I suspect three-quarters of the Bundestag membership will laugh over the precise nature of 48-hours being written down and a fact.

So you can imagine Mr. X getting a cop team at the door, and saying, are on our list and we will deport you via the transit-center, in 48-hours.  They give you maybe an hour to pick up your personal stuff, and then spend maybe two hours in some van....getting to the center which will likely be next to an airport. The moment you enter the place, the 48-hour clock is ticking and there's some group of guys who are fairly desperate in nature to fight and make the process exceed 48-hours, thus getting you released from the system. These are the pro-asylum guys.

Is this precise number important?  It's difficult for me to say yes or no.  You sure wouldn't want to end up in a deportation center and be stuck there for six months. But it just seems like she wants to invent a way to challenge your deportation by having you exceed the 48-hours.  Could the cops release you and ten minutes later....pick you up and return you to the deportation center? theory, yes.

If you were looking for a fairly complicated mess, this is a good example.

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