Saturday, July 28, 2018

Rail Travel and Heat

Prior to the 1990s, most of the railway trains that you rode in Germany....had windows that you could open, and zero air conditioning.  With the modern era, came these train with AC units and enclosed cabins....meaning the windows could not be opened.  When the AC failed?  Well, it's best not to talk about that.

I noticed this week off WDR (regional public TV network from the NW).....from Thursday evening....some German train in the direction of Mülheim (near Essen) stopped with three-hundred people onboard.

What the Bahn guys will say is that a technical problem developed and the train just wasn't going to move.

So for about 90 minutes, it didn't move.  This was on a day with major heat temperatures.  AC?  It apparently wasn't functional.  So eventually an ambulance crew got called, and five folks from the train ended being carried off to some local hospital from heat issues and dehydration.

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