Thursday, July 26, 2018

After the EU-Trump Meeting

As the smoke cleared, several things fell into place.

First, (as CNBC tells the story) the EU and the US agreed toward a deal allowing US natural gas to be sold in Europe.  The chief of the EU side.....European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker....said that the EU would be building additional terminals to import liquefied natural gas, or LNG.  It's unknown where the units would be built or if they'd be the new style floating facilities (meaning miles off-shore).

Second, as I previewed N-TV news this morning (the commercial news network of Germany).....a number of things fell into place. Juncker and Trump both agreed to future meetings to reduce trade tariffs.  They agreed that the new US tariff that would have affected German cars sold in the US.....would not be implemented. 

Third, soybean chatter?  Yes.....apparently, the EU is set to buy soybeans (an almost immediate deal is being worked up).  Why?  China, in a fast-pace game....dumped various contracts with anger over the tariffs facing them.  The EU sees an opportunity to get deals going.

So did Trump 'win'?  I wouldn't say that this is ended or clearly a win.  On most accounts, Trump got concessions and the US markets are improved from what they were before.  The worries about a recession on German markets?  Gone.  Like a puff of smoke....clearly gone. 

The next day or two? I'd expect stock prices to rise in a dramatic way, and people start to chill out. 

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