Friday, July 20, 2018

Libya in the News

If you follow the EU on its discussions of mass migration....there are continual mentions of EU reception centers, which have to be non-EU soil (at least in their vision of things).  I noticed that N-TV (German commercial news network) brought this up with a report this morning.

Their news?  Fajes al-Sarradsch....current leader of Libya....just plain said NO on the idea of EU reception centers in Libya.

He even noted that offering cash on the table won't work. His blunt words were: "The EU should "talk to the countries from which people come and put pressure".

Course, he did suggest that EU politicians are welcome to come and visit Libya.  I think he'd like for more of a face-to-face situation, with trade deals and such.

As for the question of where these EU reception centers will be?  It's hard to imagine any African country volunteering for this unless there is a massive amount of money put on the table.  In terms of 'massive'?  I'm thinking more than two billion Euro a year. 

On paper, this idea gets discussed a lot, but in reality?  No one seems to be willing to go and take this concept. 

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