Sunday, March 6, 2022

Red Ghost Chatter?

Back in the summer of 2021, a Russian movie was released under the title of 'Red Ghost'.

So the 1-sentence description here?  It's a thriller-horror-war movie about a half-man-half-ghost (yeah, kinda like manbearpig)....who is the hero against this evil 'elite' Nazi invasion group in some Russian village.  

Of course, an unequal battle is fought, with the half-man half-ghost guy killing Nazis left and right.

I've watched a 3-minute clip of the movie, and my description would be....if you took Rambo, Apocalypses Now, and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter....fusing them together, you'd get the essential story here.

The question to ask....when this came out....did it sharpen some Kremlin minds to this war to fight the evil Nazis in the Ukraine?  

A normal guy would say 'hell no'.  However, if you blend the naïve thinking of ordinary Russians, the propaganda-style news media of the Russian state, Putin's calculating mind, and people hyped on Nazis everywhere....well, it might go somewhere with this crazy idea.

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