Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Dove-Crow-Seagull Story

 Ukrainians and Russians are big into symbols.  Literally.....anything can trigger either group to react in some fantastic way. 

So I'm going to tell this little story about Ukraine.

After all the EU treaty woes (2013/2014), Pope Francis finally comes out with a special prayer for the Ukrainian people.  It was conducted in Rome and was part of the weekly prayers....with a couple of sentences to pull God's attention to the mess.

This was on the 26th of January 2014.....televised across Europe, and watched by a vast audience in the Ukraine (maybe not so much in Russia).

So the prayer is done, and two doves get 'released' to give some meaning to the event.  

As the two doves gain some height....out of nowhere come a crow and a seagull.  The crow and seagull attack the two doves.

For a brief time....the doves are getting the crap beat out of them, and then the seagull and crow leave....with the doves flying off.

Now, for about 30 seconds.....there's a fair amount of interpretation about this whole thing, with probably several million Ukrainians telling you it means something.  

If you were from the rural parts of the'd just say that there's marginal meaning to this.  

Even today?  I would imagine more than a million Ukrainians remember the prayer, the dove-fight, and still believe it was a message from God that you have to endear suffering to come out ahead.  

Now, it's possible to be a Russian.....seeing this and today thinking....Putin had some special division of the KGB which trains crows/seagulls to attack doves, and they were active in Rome on that day.  

That's how divided people are.  

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