Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The War: AM, 3 March 2022

 1.  British discussing confiscation of Russian property?  My BS meter say it's a '2', and likely to be happening.   Details?  It would be Oligarch property, and there would be a starting point, ending point.  It would involve presently nine individuals who live in the UK.  Legal?  This will be challenged in court, taking at least a year to get to a end-point.

2.  German Bundeswehr says it's reviewing requests from the Ukraine, from ammo to medical supplies....more to be passed.  BS-meter: 0.  

3.  German Finance Minister to plan counter-measures around crypto if you were a Russian and trying to hide your money in a safe non-Russian place, enough rules would occur to hinder you.  BS-meter: 4.  The crypto currencies typically don't allow governments to hinder them.  If this were to work, I'd say it greatly intensifies 'pain' on well-to-do Russians.

4.  17,000 Russian and Ukrainians are 'stuck' in the Dominican Republic?  Well.....what's said is that a bunch of them went off for vacations in the month prior to the invasion, and there's no airline to take them home. Presently, some DR folks are agreeable (has to be money involved).  BS-meter: 1.  It was a popular winter destination for a lot of folks.  As for this resolving?  I would suggest they will not find flights home for the next three months, and begin to evaluate an asylum thing for the US/Europe.  

5.  Some NY Times articles claims that China knew the plans, and asked the Russians NOT to invade until after the Olympics.  BS-meter: 7.  I would say this....had the invasion occurred in December....the Olympics probably would have been a zero event.  But this means the Russians presented some part of their invasion plans to China....maybe even going  back to November 2021.  

6. Four Russian fighters did a cross-over of Swedish territory.  BS-meter: 1.  Probably a demonstration of how they can present themselves. Just makes the idea of joining NATO more logical, I think.

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