Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Germans and New Zealand

It got brought up today....roughly 12,000 German tourists are presently 'stuck' in New Zealand because of the rigorous policy set up on landing planes and the Coronavirus. 

The German Foreign Ministry is working up a deal for Lufthansa to fly in (no estimate on the number of planes required or the cost factor). 

Handling it?  Well....I get the impression from the news 'chatter' that most weren't expecting to be cut-off and their pot of 'cash' for an extended stay isn't enough to handle two or three months of this. 

My advice for them....go out to the regional airport....find the RV rental shop and hire up a van for 30 days.  Anticipate at some point in early May....the government of New Zealand will have to allow some type of arrival/exit deal to occur.  Go camping around New Zealand for another couple of weeks, and just enjoy the weather and landscape. 

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