Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Hotel 'Coronavirus' Story

Around two weeks ago, I wrote an essay to describe the situation on the coast of Spain....where roughly a thousand guests were stuck in a four-star hotel where a couple of folks had been identified with the virus.  Among the guests.....200 Germans.

Well....ARD (public TV, Channel One) brought up the conclusion of this story here in the morning.

Basically, the quarantine finally ended.  The guests are now invited to leave.

For the Germans emerging from the lock-down at the hotel....strictly bitter comments.  Hygienic conditions really went down fast....even a couple of German doctors among the restricted folks complained about the basic issues (lack of disinfectants, masks, etc).

The amusing part of the story is that virtually all other guests from outside of Germany.....wrote up waivers and allowed their folks to leave the Spanish hotel, and return to their home-country.  Germany?  They did nothing but mandate that you stay in the host country until the 14th day.

This has been followed by a number of Germans, and I would expect in a year that some TV-movie is made out of the experience.

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