Friday, March 6, 2020

Health Insurance Chatter

This is a page four type news item in Germany, but it provokes some discussion.  Public TV Channel One (ARD) is reporting the basic story.

The public health insurance 'account' spent more money, than it took in....during 2019.

The amount?  Around 1.5 billion Euro (2-billion dollars).

Serious trouble?  No.  By law, the public account operates with reserves, and presently....they suggest the reserve money is near 20-billion Euro.

How this increased spending occurred?  It basically goes back to laws passed in the Bundestag in 2018 and 2019 (at least that's the general explanation).  They added a few more cost items to the general system.  The folks in charge of spending also say that the Coronavirus period will be a drain on resources.

For reference, out of 83-million Germans....around 57-million are public healthcare members, with the rest private health insurance folks.  Also, there are 109 health insurance companies in existence, who take money via the public account.

Something that will worry the administrators?  Right now....reserves are adequate and things seem on pace.  If the virus effect triggered five or six extra billion in one single year....that probably would unsettle the political folks a good bit. 

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