Monday, March 16, 2020

What Does Bavaria Get by Declaring 'Disaster'?

There is a discussion going on in Bavaria today.....with the state assembly talking about declaring a 'disaster'.

Once you go this route, and implement the full scale of 'disaster'....there two things that are triggered:

1.  Article 19 of the Bavarian Civil Protection Act falls into play.

It basically says that the freedom of assembly, freedom of movement, freedom of a person, the right to physical integrity, and the inviolability of the home (all rights by the state Constitution) are restricted in some fashion.

Yes, it's a pretty harsh situation when Article 19 falls into play.

2.  Article 18 falls into play (same act). 

In this case, the civil protection authorities can commandeer services, material, and use of anyone's prevent a disaster.

If you fail to agree or comply?  There's a fine involved....5,000 Euro.

So if you owned a fest-tent company.....with twenty of them that you would rent out (with your guys assembling them), and some government guy showed up and said he wanted all twenty to be assembled in this town for some emergency quarantine center, and you said you'd rather not provide your fest-tents for that type of'd be threatened by the authorities.

Could your hotel be taken over for quarantine center?  Yes.

So this is a pretty big deal, and no one is sure if the deal will pass or not. 

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