Saturday, July 13, 2024

13 July 2024: Six German News Stories

 1. Wild story out of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (German state, NE).  So what the police say is that 3 Berlin kids (juveniles, figured to be around age 13) went crazy on a Inter-City train.

Police say the three already have some type of 'record'....meaning they've done crap  before.

The mess started when they avoided a ticket-audit check on the train (I would imagine they lacked tickets).  A couple of Bahn employees attempted to stop the kids....getting hit and getting insulted by the trio.

As thing continued....they ended up opening the emergency release of the train door, and jumped out.   

Later in the day...the trio were finally apprehended and handed over to some youth youth social office.  They were taken to some building....where they promptly set fire to the building.

I'm guessing they will require a serious amount of control.

2. Putin passing a major tax increase along to pay for the war.  

3.  Regionally out of Frankfurt.....the S8 and S9 rail-lines are noted in the first half of 2024....with slightly more than 7,000 cancellations.  Various reasons are given. 

4.  Breweries in Germany expected....with the Euro Cup games....there would be more beer bought/consumed.

Well....they were wrong.  What went wrong?  There was not what  you'd say a heat-wave in June/ with mild/cooler weather....people consumed less beer.

5.  N-TV yesterday did a fair sized report on the war-value of the A2 motorway/autobahn in Germany.

Apparently, if Russia starts some  westward is the A2 that will be used by the German military....along with various other European bring military hardware into Poland.

6.  N-TV business segment.....cheapflation?  Well....Germans  have gone to buy cheaper products at the grocery stores that used to be lesser-priced.  This action has moved the cheaper-priced products to be in demand, and pricing has gone up now. 

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