Thursday, July 4, 2024

5 July 2024: Twenty German News Stories

 1.  Italy police raided Armani/Dior factories.  Workers were mostly all illegal Chinese workers in Italy.  Based on commentary....they apparently slept/worked out of the same building....making around 2-to-3 Euro an hour. Court now supervising/controlling both companies.  

Comical side of the story.....with these workers....Dior is noted paying around $57 for each  handbag....which they re-sold for 2,000-plus dollars.

Just guessing....someone within both companies will have to volunteer to go off to jail for a couple of years.  

The other issue?  Where are the regular 'old' Italians who made the $2k pursues,  and how were they dismissed?

2.  WELT had a piece yesterday talking over the idea of fair number of Germans now getting welfare.....when there are jobs open.  Working-class Germans grumbling about this....suggesting that more 'coaching' to occur to get these people  hired-up instead of on welfare.

3.  Chatter going on of a higher VAT tax on meat products....going to 9 or 10 percent.

4.  Appears like there will be a truth-commission out of the Bundestag....over the way they closed down the nuke power plants in Germany.  Primary aim?  Facts provided by the Green Party.....may not have been totally true.   

5.  Turkish gov't has summoned the German ambassador....over the criticism by the German gov't over this wolf-symbol hand-signal.

Next Turk game....Erdogan to be in Germany?  Well....word got out today....he's flying in.  This should make things interesting.

6.  EU passes a China E-car tariff....meaning that if you buy'll have a tax on it of 17 to 37 percent.  China reacting?  I'm guessing they will be pretty disturbed.

7.  German Army talking about the possibility of conscription....hinting they are open to women ALSO being drafted.  

This will be a top discussion item for the 2025 federal  election.   

In the end (probably three years away)....there will probably be some type of draft....going beyond the military...maybe including civil help, old-folks homes, etc....where you end up doing a year of service 'somewhere' in the system.

8.  Census data provided from reveals that 2-million apartments throughout Germany are vacant.  Now....we aren't saying they are nice livable condition, or has been renovated in the past forty years.  

It wouldn't shock me if a quarter of them are in small towns and villages in remote locations.  

9.  All that rain in the past month, with floods....states of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria appear to have a massive mosquito-spraying campaign going on currently.

10.  Based on statistical in five Germans live in a house/apartment....alone.

11. German gov't review in 2nd half of 2022....reveals today that there around 364 'suspected' right-wing extremists....within the gov't security agencies.  

How many leftist extremists?  Unknown....that was not the 'search' that was conducted.

What now with the data announced?  Well....they didn't really say much of anything.  I should note here....the word 'suspected' is not really clear.  

How did they find the 364?  Mostly by a review of social media commentary....meaning they went to the gal/guy's page on Instagram or Facebook, or Twitter, or TikTok.....find meme-activity or jokes, or some criticism.  If you didn't have social media....the odds are in favor of them declaring you a non-right-wing radical. 

Who did the social media search work?  They also avoided discussing who was in this group....making me wonder if they were left-leaning types or if they were fairly neutral.

Can they fire the 364?  Maybe, but you'd drag court action into this, and probably spend five to seven years engaged in the termination....finding that half of them were insulted by the action and the termination actually reversed (with damages paid later).   

12.  ARD/Tageschau last night ran a piece....identifying finally the arrival of Fentanyl in Germany.   What they say is that the driving reason for the surge the shortage of heroin production in Afghanistan.  Item of discussion here?  Fentanyl  is 50-times more powerful than plan-old heroin.  Who is conneted to the importation?  They suggest the Mexican cartels.

13.  My temperature yesterday morning?  11 C (52 F).  If I count March to this point....early July....most moderate spring and summer that I've ever seen in Germany.  I actually had to flip on a living room electrical-heater yesterday for half-an-hour.

14.  REWE, the German grocery (one of my more favorite places).....says they are surging ahead to have more self-check-out stands.  

15.  I essayed about that knife-assault in the train station  of Kaiserslautern three days ago. media from K-town added one twist...the 20-year old woman is an American living in the local area....but they add...she's not a military member or dependent of a military member.  Just the way they word it...she's likely a dependent-adult-kid from some American couple retired in the area.  

The dead guy?  So far, nothing added.  The view from the camera?  Cops say there's no doubt that he grabbed her butt, and she reacted by pulling the knife out.  

Americans around Germany toting switch-blades?  Yeah, that's an odd topic.  I just can't remember any female GI being one to carry around a knife for protection.  

16.  Starting Friday, at the bikiniARTmuseum in Bad Rappenau, the red swimsuit of Pamela Anderson's era in Baywatch, and David Hasselhoff's swimming trunks will be on display.

They used around $33k to buy the two items.  

This museum?  In Bad Rappenau (Heilbronn district).

This being a big deal?  I'm not going to spend 3 hours on some train to tour a bikini museum. 

17.  Interior Minister boss....Nancy Faeser (SPD), got a note from the sixteen German states.  The states say.....they want some convicted murderers, rapists and Islamists deported to Syria and Afghanistan. 

Problem?  No such agreements exist.

All total off this list?   335 people (at least from these two countries).

What'll happen?  I'm guessing Faeser will at least try to make a deal here.  

18.  Focus piece: poll done asking if Germans feel safe in public places.  Almost 40-percent said 'no'.  

I think if you broke this small towns and's probably close to 5-percent or less saying they feel unsafe....while in the metro-centers like Hamburg, Frankfurt, or Berlin....a  pretty fair number  feel unsafe.

19.  Curious policy statement by Le Pen (of France).  Election chatter perhaps.

Rassemblement National (RN), the Le Pen party.....says it wants to withdraw from the European electricity market.  That would mean not supplying Germany with electricity.

Odds of this happening?  Alternate  sources would be found....just at a higher rate  of cost.

20.  The first 15 minutes of last night's ZDF late news (9:45 PM)...featured the new hype of 'bird-flu'.  Fair amount of caution discussed.

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