Wednesday, July 24, 2024

25 July 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1.  Yesterday, Focus wrote up a piece on violence against Bahn (railway personnel) escalating in the past couple  of months.

Bahn folks are saying threats and risks are on the up-swing.  Doesn't matter if you talk about on-trains themselves or in stations.

What I'll say....stress and frustration seems to be more than what existed....say five to ten years ago.  I'm not putting the blame on any particular issue.....just that it doesn't take much for a German to get verbal and angry.

2.  This dismantling of Syrian 'protection'....gaining a lot of chatter around Germany.  Greens are pressed on this issue....agreeing to some  degree if you have a criminal record as a Syrian in might want to prepare for some kind of deportation.  Whether Syria will take the bad-boys back?  I have my doubts.

3.   UK new gov't says by new gas/diesel cars to be sold in the UK. Manufacturing questions the order.

4.  One of the top economists in Russia....accidentally fell out of a high-story window....dead.

5.  Hanover regional court passed judgement on a illegal street race (in a 70 kph zone).  Two kids (2, 6 years old) were killed.  The key driver responsible, female, was sentenced to life in prison.  Cops figure the two participants in the  race reached a peak of 180 kph at some point.

6.  German car insurers are saying the cost of fixing cars....has risen. They say the price is roughly 70-percent they want a hefty increase on car insurance.

7.  Weather guys are predicting a 'return' to normal temperatures for Germany in August....meaning?  We probably will get a minimum of 32 C for at least half the month.  

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